User manual

FAQ for CBECC-Res 2013
2. There are no U-factors for the opaque assemblies on the CF1R. Why not?
3. In multi-family, how do I determine the correct number of water heaters to show in my water
heating system?
4. Is 1-coat stucco shown as R-4 sheathing insulation and 3 coat stucco exterior finish?
5. Water heater efficiencies have changed. What is the correct way to enter the various efficiencies?
6. Can we expect to see a summary of HERS measures on the CF1R?
7. Can you explain how the solar credit can be used and how much of a credit we can expect?
FAQs Posted on October 11, 2013
1. How do I use the field Window Type?
2. There are no U-factors for the opaque assemblies on the CF1R. Why not?
3. Can I get hour-by-hour energy results?
4. Will CBECC-Res run on an Apple computer?
5. Since I am used to seeing Specific Leakage Area (SLA) for blower door testing, can you tell me how to
convert 2.8 SLA to a CFM50 for input into the program?
FAQs Posted on September 25, 2013
1. Where are my input files?
2. Are we supposed to model unconditioned garages?
3. Is this program ready for building department and HERS provider submittals?
4. Is using CBECC-Res utilizing the performance approach?
5. Can you provide tips for modeling multi-family buildings?
1. What is CBECC-Res?
The California Building Energy Code Compliance 2013 Residential Standards compliance software
(known as CBECC-Res 2013) is a public domain software program developed by the California Energy
Commission for use in complying with the 2013 update to the Residential Building Energy Efficiency
2. How do I install CBECC-Res on my computer?
Go to the project website,
. The current version of the software
is always the first link in the Downloads section. Click on the link. A Citrix ShareFile page will open in
your Internet browser. Click on the Download button. (The file is 20 MB so the download may take a
few minutes depending on the speed of your Internet connection.)
Once the CBECC-Res installation application has downloaded, double-click it. If you are asked “Do
you want to allow the following program from an unknown publisher to make changes to this
computer?”, click on Yes. The CBECC-Res 2013 Setup Wizard will open. Follow the wizard’s
instruction to complete the installation.
3. Can I install CBECC-Res on a network?
CBECC-Res was not designed for names that begin with \\ as part of the path name. You will need to
install the program on a local drive (like c: or to a mapped drive).
4. What does the software cost?
The software is free.