
Share More than Twitters
Twitter and its clones may be okay for quickly shar-
ing thoughts with a large audience. But what if you
also want to send invites or share fi les and videos?
Try Pownce. Like Twitter, it’s lighter than blogging
software: Short posts all appear on a single page
rather than getting their own pages. But Pownce
lacks a public page and doesn’t give users the ability
to post via mobile phone or PDA.
By default, the interface is set up for posting
a simple message, but when you click the Link, File,
or Event links, the entry areas change to reveal appro-
priate extra fi elds. If you enter a YouTube link, your
post will include a player for the video. With a free
account, fi le size can be up to 10MB; a $20 yearly Pro
account ups that to 100MB. You decide who gets to
see your posts, and you can even create user groups.
In addition to its Web interface, the service offers
a pre-beta desktop version that takes advantage
of Adobe’s new AIR (Adobe Integrated Runtime)
technology. If you want less than a blog but more
than IM or e-mail for sharing your remarks and fi les,
you’ll like Pownce.—Michael Muchmore
Entry boxes below Message,
Link, File, and Event buttons
change to suit each task
Basic version, free; with 100MB
le-size limit, $20 yearly
PROS Good interface. Options
for lightweight desktop with
notifi cation, private sharing.
CONS No mobile posting or noti-
cation. No public page of posts.
For more: go.pcmag.com/pownce