Installation manual

VP: Schedule (Page 2 screen)
NTVP: During X (Message Delivery tab)
This field indicates when the VP system is to deliver messages to this number. The options
Schedule Result
ALWAYS This number is called any time there are new messages in
the mailbox.
DAY SERVICE This number is called only during Day Service, as defined
on the BUSINESS HOURS screen.
NIGHT SERVICE This number is called only during Night Service, as defined
on the BUSINESS HOURS screen.
SCHEDULE A, B, C, or D This number is called only during the schedule, as defined
on the MAILBOX PAGE 3 screen (VP systems) / by
pressing the View Schedules button (NTVP systems).
NT-based VP system users can view and modify the schedules defined for the mailbox by
clicking on the View Schedules button.
VP: Run This Sequence X Times (Page 2 screen)
NTVP: Run This Cycle X Times (Message Delivery tab)
This field indicates the number of times the VP system is to run the message delivery
sequence. Once the VP system calls every number listed, it has run the message delivery
sequence one time.
VP: Currently Enabled (Page 2 screen)
NTVP: Deliver These Messages (Message Delivery tab)
This field indicates which messages the VP system is to deliver. The options are:
Option Action Indicated
DISABLED The VP system does not deliver any messages for the