Installation manual

There are 8 classes of services (0 through 7) that can be set up then applied to mailboxes on
the VP system. Two of them are pre-configured on the system. Class of service 0 is assigned
by default to the prototype mailbox 9994, which serves as a template for every mailbox that
you create on the system. Class of service 7 is assigned supervisor mailbox privileges by
You can view and change the class of service number assigned to a mailbox by accessing the
MAILBOX SETUP screen for the mailbox. Refer to information provided earlier in this section
for procedures on modifying a mailbox.
To modify the classes of service set up on the system through the DOS-based VP
system screen interface:
1. From the Main menu, select SYSTEM INFORMATION. The Box Information menu
2. Highlight CLASS OF SERVICE from the menu then press <Enter>. The CLASS OF SERVICE
screen displays.
3. Make changes to the CLASS OF SERVICE screen to modify classes of service you assign to
mailboxes. For information on modifying fields on this screen, consult the information
provided below and the program’s online help file (accessible by pressing <F1>). When
you have made necessary modifications, press <F10> to save the changes.
To modify the classes of service set up on the system through the NT-based VP
system screen interface:
1. From the Main screen, access the SYSTEM pull-down menu.
2. Select CLASS OF SERVICE from the menu. The CLASS OF SERVICE screen displays.
3. Make changes to the CLASS OF SERVICE screen to modify classes of service you assign to
mailboxes. For information on modifying fields on this screen, consult the information
provided below and the program’s online help file (accessible by pressing <F1>). When
you have made necessary modifications, select the Save button to save the changes.
Working with the Class of Service Screen
Note: See section 1.4.9 for screen illustrations.