User guide

Data usage is measured by your device. Your service provider
may account for usage differently, so you may want to
consider using a conservative limit. Contact your service
provider for more information on actual data usage.
From the Home screen, tap 1. Apps
Data usage.
Tap the 2. Set mobile data limit option to enable the limit.
Tap the 3. Alert me about data usage option to have your
device alert you when data usage reaches your set limit.
Configure the limit by tapping and dragging the limit and 4.
warning lines on the graph.
Viewing data usage by app or process ¬
From the Home screen, tap 1. Apps
Data usage.
Select the Wi-Fi tab to display the status of using 2.
mobile data service. Tap a process or app to see
data usage for the process or app, and to configure
specific settings.