
Fuel Quality Grade
Use commercially available diesel fuel with less than 0.5% sul-
phur content. If the sulphur content is higher than 0.5%, the inter-
vals between oil changes should be halved e.g. change oil every
250 hours. Don’t use fuel with more than 1% sulphur!
The following fuel specifications / standards are approved:
• CENEN590orDINEN590
• DIN51601(Feb.1986)
• BS2869(1988):A1andA2
• ASTMD975-88:D1andD2
• NATOCodeF-54andF75
The cetane number must be at least 49.
The exhaust emission levels determined during certification by
the supervising authority are always based on the reference fuel
described by law.
Only use the prescribed diesel fuel.
Do not use biodiesel!
Winter-grade fuel
Waxing may occur at low temperatures, clogging the fuel system
and reducing engine efficiency.
If the ambient temperature is less than 0°C (+32°F), winter-grade
fuel -suitable down to -15°C (+5°F) - should be used. This fuel is
usually available from filling stations well in advance of the cold
months. Diesel fuel containing additives (Super Diesel) is often
on sale as well, for use down to -20°C (-4°F).
9 Operating media