Installation Guide

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Product Information
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IM-PP 724607 0320 ProPress
2.5.2 Expansion
Thermal expansion in installed systems generates stress on tubing and appliance
connectors. Compensation must be allowed for expansion and contraction
that may occur within the tubing. Expansion joints or mechanical expansion
compensators may be used to alleviate these stresses. ProPress systems do not
require any additional protection as compared to a soldered system.
The following methods are e󶈴ective:
Fixed and sliding hangers
Expansion equalization joints (expansion bends)
Expansion compensators
2.5.3 Electrical Bonding
When properly installed, ProPress 󶈵ttings comply with Section 1211.15
Electrical Bonding and Grounding of the Uniform Plumbing Code and
Section 310 of the International Fuel Gas Code.
The mechanical press provides continuous metal-to-metal contact between 󶈵tting and
tube. The press ensures the electrical continuity of the bonding through this contact.
A quali󶈵ed electrician is responsible for ensuring electrical
bonding is tested and secured.
Electric Shock
An electric shock can cause burns, serious injury, and
even death.
Because all metallic tubing can conduct electricity,
unintentional contact with a live wire can lead to
the entire system and components connected to it
to become energized. Metal piping is not meant to
conduct electricity.
A properly bonded system creates a safe path for
electricity to travel so that the system can't be energized.
An unbonded or improperly bonded system can be a
shock hazard.
Always ensure bonding is in accordance with local codes.
2.5.4 Exposure to Freezing Temperatures
Viega ProPress systems with EPDM sealing elements can be installed in
ambient temperatures down to 0° F. Tubing exposed to freezing temperatures
must be protected per acceptable engineering practices, codes, and as
required by local code.