User Guide

A. If an empty playlist is chosen, the app will guide
you to select the media source.
All media les should be placed in /viewsonic/
of root directory.
For example,
pdfs in /root/viewsonic/pdf/
B. You could edit or delete a non-empty playlist,
just choose the desired playlist which is with
pencil icon.
C. Once you start to edit a playlist, you will see
below screen.
Source - les in storage.
Playlist – les in playlist.
There are 4 icons which map to the keys of
remote controller.
Option key – launch slidebar
Play key – play media le.
Info key – show media info.
Ok key – select/unselect le.
In the slidebar, it helps you to do the following:
- select all : select all storage les.
- delete all : delete all playlist les.
- add/remove : update playlist from source.
- sort : sort playlist.
- save/abort : save or abort playlist.
- back : return.
Select “Sort” in the slidebar, you can change the
order of les one by one.
3. Select {Settings} on this page, this page
has two parts, {Repeat Mode} and {Effect
{Repeat Mode} : play mode.
{Effect Duration} : photo effect duration.
4.6. Custom
Select custom app from source setting.
1. Entry Signage Display in Admin Mode (Refer section 4.7 &
2. Select Custom app will show the installed APK.
CDM model pre-install the Enplug APK inside.