Technical data

Received events in Enigma IP2 can be checked easily with a simple web browser
access. For this IP address (and port if it is different from 80) of Enigma IP2 unit should
be typed in a web browser (Internet Explorer recommended). Then receiver HTTP page
can be seen.
Note: For the operation of event list review through web browser the IP ADDRESS and
HTTP PORT should be enabled in rooter as well.
In Accounts menu you can check the accounts for IP monitoring (if enabled).
Additionally you can set individual communication monitoring settings for each user.
Event Log – Display list of received events.
Accounts IP communication monitoring status check. Monitoring period, test code
monitoring, encryption might be configured individually for each user.
Settings – Generally used settings such as: date/time settings, event list export, account
list import/export, logo upload, web data file upload (after firmware upgrade).
Note: Default password to access settings menu: 1234.
HD View – To better display in wide screen monitor, more parameters.