Installation & Assembly

GLD Products Ion Dartboard
Item 42-0003
G37 Baseball (with scoring options of b07, b08, b09)
The scoring options are the number of innings, see the chart below.
Scoring Option b07 b08 b09
No. of Innings 7 8 9
Refer to the section “Read First - Operation”.
Playing the Game
To win: The player with the most runs at the end of the game is the winner.
A baseball ! eld is layed out as shown in diagram below. A player throws 3 darts in
each inning and the runs/bases are set as follows:
Segments Result
Single One Base
Double Two Bases
Triple Three Bases
Bullseye Home Run
A home run can only be scored on the 3rd dart of each turn.
The ! rst cricket display will show what base your “runners” are on. 16 is your ! rst
“runner” or dart, 18 is your second and 20 is your third. The table below will show
the symbols displayed for the base that your “runner” is on.
1st Base 2nd Base 3rd Base Home
The second cricket display will show the number of innings left.
Segment Lights:
The play! eld is lit.
G38 Golf (with scoring options of 09F, 10F, 11F, 12F, 13F, 14F, 15F, 16F, 17F, 18F)
The scoring options are the number of “holes”, see the chart below.
Scoring Option 09F 10F 11F 12F 13F 14F 15F 16F 17F 18F
No. of Holes 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18
Refer to the section “Read First - Operation”.