Owner Manual

4. Cover and cook on low for 3-4 hours, or until the sweet potatoes
are tender
5. Turn off cooker and allow to cool 30 minutes before serving
For sweetness, drizzle a little honey or top with raisins
Lemony Brussel Sprouts
(gluten free, low fat, high fiber, low carb, low glycemic, vegetarian
(without bacon), paleo)
Prep time: 5 minutes
¾ lb brussel sprouts
½ red onion, diced
1 lemon
1 T coconut oil, melted
salt & pepper to taste
¼ cup water
crispy bacon bits (optional)
1. Wash and trim brussel sprouts, cut them in half and place in
2. Add diced onions.
3. drizzle melted coconut oil over top and add salt and pepper
4. drizzle juice from lemons over top and stir ingredients to coat
5. pour in water, cover, cook on low for 2-3 hours on low or 1-2 hours
on high
6. sprinkle with bacon crispies (optional)
Spiced Indian Lentils
(low fat, high fiber, vegetarian, gluten free, low glycemic, low carb)
1 c Lentils
2 T Sambar Masala
1 c water or broth
½ c chopped eggplant (cut into 2"cubes)
½ c chopped potato (cut into 1"cubes)
5 pearl onions, peeled and cored
5-6 baby okra