Owner Manual

We strive to make each of our recipes healthy and nutritious.
Since “healthy” can mean different things to different people,
we have included a variety of recipes that incorporate different
types of diets and food philosophies. Under each recipe we
will note in which types of diets it can be included. The
categories are: low glycemic, vegetarian, gluten-free, low
carb, paleo, high fiber, and low fat. If you are concerned
about blood pressure and sodium, all of the recipes can be
adjusted to use less salt, or you could consider switching to a
sea salt or a non-white salt such as Himalayan salt, which is a
more whole food and contains trace nutrients and minerals
our bodies need.
A research team at the University of Tennessee set out to see
whether consuming yogurt boosted weight loss. Their
research results were published in the January 2005 issue of
"International Journal of Obesity." The scientists discovered
that those who consumed three servings of low-fat yogurt per
day lost more weight -- especially fat around their belly -- than
dieters who avoided yogurt. A paper published in the
November 2001 issue of "Obesity Research" notes that adults
who consume breakfast daily are more likely to maintain long-
term weight control than those who skip breakfast.
Here's to your health,
Leah Wood