Owner Manual

Molasses Custard
(low glycemic, vegetarian, low carb, gluten free)
ramekin or custard dish that fits inside of personal slow
cooker pot
½ cup water
butter (for greasing the custard dish)
4 egg yolks (slightly beaten)
2 cups heavy cream OR 1 cup heavy cream and ½ cup
whole milk
2 T molasses
dash sea salt
1. Pour water into personal slow cooker pot
2. Grease ramekin or custard dish with butter.
3. Gently stir beaten egg yolks, cream/milk together with
blackstrap molasses and sea salt until well-blended and
uniform in color.
4. Pour the mixture into dish, ensuring outer water is at least
one inch below the top of the custard dish.
5. Cook on high for forty minutes or until a toothpick inserted
into the center of the custard comes out clean.Serve
Baby Food recipes
Carrot Puree
(low fat, low carb, paleo, gluten free, low glycemic, high fiber)
1lb baby carrots
¾ cups water
1 T coconut butter/manna
pinch of cinnamon
pinch of sea salt