
1979 Volvo 264 265
Operating instructions
This equipment is optional and is available in various models, each providing slightly different
capabilities. Operating instructions are contained in the manuals associated with each model.
These manuals are placed in the cars when the equipment is installed by the Dealer.
Your Volvo Dealer will be able to assist you with any questions regarding the operation of this
NOTE: Operation of Citizens Band (CB) radios is governed by Federal Regulations.
You must obtain a special license before operation this equipment.
pg. 18 Front seats
Horizontal seat adjustment
Pull control upward, then slide seat forward or rearward to desired position.
Make sure that the seat is properly secured when you release the control.
Note: Never adjust seat while driving.
The entire seat frame can be moved further back to accommodate the very tall drivers. Tools are
required for this adjustment. Pre-drilled holes arre provided. Adjustment is approx. 1 1/8" = 3 cm.
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