
1979 Volvo 264 265
pg. 42 Gas station checks
Octane rating 91 RON
Unleaded fuel must be used as the vehicles are fitted with catalytic converters.
Engine oil
Maintain oil level between the dipstick marks. The distance between the marks represents 2 quarts (2
liters). Engine oil "For API service SE" SAE 10 W-40.
(See section titled "Engine oil".)
Maintain fluid level between MAX and MIN marks on expansion tank.
Mixture of 50 percent anti-freeze and 50 percent water should be used.
Washer fluid
Washer fluid reservoir.
Water and solvent (wintertime use windshield washer anti-freeze).
Brake fluid
Hydraulic clutch
Clutch fluid (only cars with manual transmission).
Check that the level is above the MIN mark, without removing the cap.
Brake fluid DOT 4.
Electrolyte level 1/4" - 3/8" (5-10 mm) above plates.
Use distilled water only. Never add acid.
battery gases are explosives if brought in contact with open flame or
pg. 43 Engine B27F
file:///K|/ownersdocs/1979/1979_264_265/79264265_03a.htm (2 of 16)12/22/2006 10:25:26 PM