Installation Guide

1. Position stove and floor shield to conform to the stove manufacturer’s clearance specifications.
Position appliance and chimney so as to avoid cutting any ceiling joists, roof rafters, or wall studs.
2. Install ceiling support box (C) according to the installation instructions in your 2100 insulated
chimney kit (D).
3. Install the Vortex Double
Wall Pipe onto the installed
Universal Adapter of the
2100 insulated chimney
Pipe that has been securely
installed in the ceiling
support box. Attach using
(3) #8 X 3/4” self-tapping
screws (see Detail A).
4. Attach Stove Adapter (A) to
stove. If needed, attach Tee
(E) to Stove Adapter using
at least (3) #8 X 1/2” self-
drilling screws (see Detail
5. Make sure Stove Adapter
and/or Tee align vertically
with Universal Adapter.
6. Install Pipe Sections (B),
Adjustable Telescoping
Sections (B) and/or Slip
Section (B) between the
Tee/Stove Adapter and
Universal Adapter.
7. Fasten all pipe sections
together, including
Telescoping Sections and
Slip Sections with at least
(3) #8 X 1/2” self-drilling screws.