Product specifications

Display Monitor Colors or Resolution Incorrect
Display Monitor Colors or Resolution Incorrect
Text and graphics appear in 640 x 480 resolution with 16 colors only.
Windows 2000 booted in base video (VGA) mode, either by user
selection, or because no display driver is installed. This is common
when the proper display controller board driver has not been installed
and started. Refer to
“Installing the Display Controller Board Driver” on
page 7-6
to learn how to properly install the driver.
Second Display Monitor Not Enabled
Only the primary display monitor is enabled after booting
Windows 2000.
Listed below are some possible causes/fixes for the problem:
Ensure the second monitor has power applied.
Ensure the cabling between the monitor and the display controller
is secure and there are no bent pins.
Try swapping cables between the primary and secondary
monitors to see if the problem follows the cable.
Your second monitor isn’t enabled. See “Setting Your Screen
Resolution” on page 7-5.