Product specifications

System Overview
SCSI UL3D/160 Dual-Channel LVD Board
The optional SCSI system uses a UL3D board and supports up to 15
devices per channel. The system supports the following two types of
SCSI storage:
All rS LVD MediaDrives available in rack and stack enclosures.
The MediaDock LVD storage system.
The following SCSI storage devices are supported:
Shipping fixed-enclosure devices:
- rS18™/160 MediaDrive LVD
- rS36/160 MediaDrive LVD
- rS73/160 MediaDrive LVD
Nonshipping fixed-enclosure devices:
- rS9™ LVD, rS18 LVD, and rS36 LVD
- iS9 Pro and iS18™ Pro (fast/wide, not used on the 29160LP)
- rS9 Plus and rS18 Plus (fast/wide, not used on the 29160LP)
Shipping MediaDock LVD devices:
- iS18/160 MediaDrive LVD shuttle
- iS36™/160 MediaDrive LVD shuttle
- iS73/160 MediaDrive LVD shuttle
Nonshipping MediaDock LVD and MediaDock devices:
- iS9 Plus and iS18 Plus MediaDock LVD shuttles
- iS18 and iS36 MediaDock LVD shuttles
- iS9 Plus and iS18 Plus MediaDock Shuttle™ packs (fast/wide,
not used on the 29160LP)
If you attach any single-ended, fast and wide device to the UL3D board, the
SCSI channel with that drive attached changes to single-ended, fast and wide