Onix Tubing Installation Manual

top. If a thinner subfloor is to be used,
a tighter sleeper spacing will be
required. This is usually done by
adding a sleeper between each run of
Whenever possible, run the sleepers
perpendicular to the joist direction.
This will help add stability and stiff-
ness to the floor.
Step 5:
Install the Onix
Place the unwinder underneath the
manifold with a coil of Onix placed
over the center post and cut the bind-
ing straps on the coil. Pull one end of
the Onix off the unwinder and loosely
attach it to the first barb of one of the
manifolds. Take a white paint pen, or
other marker, and mark this end of
Onix with a number 1, indicating the
first circuit installed. Do the same to
the other end of Onix, marking it with
the number 1. This will help later in
the installation process.
Do not push the Onix on more than
the first barb at this point, just in case
the circuit needs to be removed.
Pull the free end of Onix from the
unwinder and begin placing it along
the position sleeper to the far end of
the room/zone. Alternate sleepers in
between Onix runs. It is generally eas-
ier to install full sleeper lengths and
then cut transition points in a sleeper
run with a circular saw.
Step 6:
Secure the Onix
Most sandwich applications do not
require any special fasteners to
secure the Onix in place. However,
there may be times when added sup-
port is necessary, such as around
tight bends or if the tubing has to
follow a defined path, such as
around a corner. In these cases, duct
tape can be used to hold the tubing
in place. Staples or other fasteners
are not recommended for Sandwich
applications with Onix. The staples
will prevent direct contact with the
new subfloor and will reduce the
heat transfer capabilities of the sys-
Step 7:
Repeat With
The Next Circuit
Repeat steps 4 through 6, keeping
the new series of sleepers spaced
according to the required tubing
spacing. If a partial sleeper bay
needs to be filled, cut in a new tran-
sition point 8" from the previous
point for the new circuit.
Make sure to use as much of each
circuit as possible. If the last circuit
is too long, try not to cut it. Shorter
circuits have a lower pressure drop
page 28 Watts Radiant: Onix Installation Manual
Finished Upper Floor
Upper Subfloor
Duct Tape
Position Sleeper
Foil-Faced Insulation
Floor Joist