Onix Tubing Installation Manual

After the concrete is poured and just
before the interior walls are installed,
the rebar may be cut to free the mani-
folds. The manifolds can then be
moved if necessary, to fit the actual
wall construction. Make sure to leave
plenty of slack in all Onix circuits
5 ft. is recommended). AWatts
Radiant manifold box can be used to
secure the manifolds within the new
wall. Watts Radiant SnapClips and
StrapDowns can be used to organize
Onix coming from the floor and into
the wall.
Step 3:
Determine Zone
Before Onix is installed, visually
inspect the area to determine the zone
boundaries. This helps determine
where the first circuit is to be placed,
while identifying any obstacles that
may be in the way.
Step 4:
Confirm Tubing
Measure the distance from the mani-
folds to the farthest point in the zone.
Make sure the minimum circuit length
is at lest twice this distance. If not, the
Onix will not be long enough to reach
the farthest point of the zone and
Step 5:
Install the Onix
Place the unwinder underneath the
manifold with a coil of Onix placed
over the center post and cut the bind-
ing straps on the coil. Pull one end of
the Onix off the unwinder until the
entire coil is unwound. Loop the coil
so the two ends meet back together,
forming a loop. Loosely attach both
ends of the coil to the manifolds, one
to the supply and one to the return
manifold. Take a white paint pen, or
other marker, and mark each end of
Onix with a number 1, indicating the
first circuit installed. This will help
later in the installation process.
Do not push the Onix on more than
the first barb at this point, just in case
the circuit needs to be removed. Take
both runs of Onix and begin laying
both sides of the circuit in the slab
area. This method will naturally create
a double serpentine layout. Continue
this process with the next circuit,
beginning where the first circuit ends.
Begin at the manifold and grasp both
runs of the Onix loop, maintaining a
hand spacing approximately the same
distance apart as the desired tube spac-
ing. This spacing should be the same
as indicated in the design.
Lay the first run of Onix along the
perimeter walls to the farthest point in
the zone, keeping the Onix 6-8" from
the edge of the slab. This will help
protect the tubing from possible pene-
trations later on when the interior and
exterior walls are installed. Onix can
be run underneath interior walls as
long as the Onix is deep enough in the
slab to prevent nails in wall plates
from damaging the circuits. Continue
until the middle of the circuit is
Typical slab application.
Onix tubing installed 12”o.c. in a double serpentine pattern.
Concrete Slab
page 40 Watts Radiant: Onix Installation Manual