Onix Tubing Installation Manual

Watts Radiant: Onix Installation Manual page 45
need to be installed every 12"—18"
along each run of Onix.
In a few cases, where it is impractical
to insulate in the joist cavity, a board
insulation may be installed on top of
the subfloor, or over an existing slab
prior to the new thin slab pour. In
these cases, fasteners such as Watts
Radiant s Foam Screw Clips and Foam
Staples may be used to secure the tub-
ing directly to the insulation board.
To speed the installation of the Onix in
a thin slab application, staple guns can
be fitted with an extension arm. This
arm allows the installer to move
quickly through the attachment
process. If Foam ScrewClips are used,
a Watts Radiant ClipTwister
tool can
be used. It is a 3’ long drill bit that
attaches to a 3/8’’ standard cordless
drill. Put a ScrewClip in the end of the
ClipTwister, push the clip into the
foam and screw it in place.
Watts Radiant Staple-Gun
For details on the proper use of the
Watts Radiant pneumatic staple gun,
see the corresponding section under
the Staple Up
Installation Steps
Installation procedures change from
job to job and are affected by how the
structure is built. Manifold locations,
final thin slab thickness and zoning
details are just a few items that can
affect how a Thin Slab application is
installed. The following guidelines and
examples cover the most common
installation conditions. If a situation
is not covered here or if unexpected
circumstances arise, please contact
Watts Radiant or a Watts Radiant
The most common installation pattern
to use in a Thin Slab application is a
single serpentine layout, although in
some cases a double serpentine may
be used.
Step 1:
Install Manifolds
Locate where the manifolds are to be
placed. With the use of Watts
Radiant s manifold brackets or mani-
fold mounting enclosure, secure the
manifolds to the wall. Allowances may
need to be made to allow the Onix to
transfer through the wall base plate
and into the thin slab. Follow local
code guidelines when penetrating
framing base plates.
Step 2:
Determine Zone
Before Onix is installed, visually
inspect the area to determine the zone
boundaries. This helps determine
where the first circuit is to be placed,
while identifying any obstacles that
may be in the way.
Step 3:
Confirm Tubing
Measure the distance from the mani-
folds to the farthest point in the zone.
Make sure the minimum circuit length
is at least twice this distance. If not,
the Onix will not be long enough to
reach the farthest point and still have
enough length to return to the mani-
Step 4:
Install the Onix
Place the unwinder underneath the
manifold with a coil of Onix placed
over the center post and cut the bind-
ing straps on the coil. Pull one end of
the Onix off the unwinder and loosely
attach it to the first barb of one of the
manifolds. Take a white paint pen, or
other marker, and mark this end of
Onix with a number 1, indicating the
first circuit installed. Do the same to
the other end of Onix, marking it with
the number 1. This will help later in
the installation process.
Do not push the Onix on more than
the first barb at this point, just in case
the circuit needs to be removed.
Lay the first run of Onix along the
perimeter walls to the farthest point in
the zone, keeping the Onix 6"—8" from
the wall. This helps protect the tubing
from possible penetrations when the
floor covering is installed.
Run the Onix back and forth in a ser-
pentine pattern. When the other end of
the Onix slides off the unwinder, stop
and secure the Onix in place back to
the manifold. Connect the loose end to
the other manifold.
In most applications, a single serpen-
tine layout will be used. In a few
cases, a double serpentine layout may
be used. The performance of the sys-
tem is nearly identical with either lay-
out option; however, installation issues
Thin Slabs