Product Brochure

This requires setting over clean, flat, even, square and plumb surfaces which are best created and secured when at the
framing or subfloor preparation state. Important is good thinset mortar transfer to the tile even if mesh backed (with a
mesh safe in submersed applications and unaffected by alkalis present in mortars). Grout should be tightly packed. Setting
materials must be given time to fully cure before a steam room is used. Ensure the manufacturers recommendations incl.
for the mixing, installation and cure times are followed to the point.
e. General Product Requirements and Recommendations
Many of the challenges to structures and product, whether to be shaped on site or installed as manufactured, are
pointed to in the sections above. Many of the very relevant recommendations were provided. However, it is supremely
important the installer or planner of steam rooms chooses each detail of design, installation or product only after most
thorough research and investigation into the fitness of such products or work product so they may endure in steam
rooms. Equally important, each product must retain their properties and remain unaffected over time as they work in
their placement within a system and attached to other product which may affect them (example: they expand or con-
tract at different rates). Ensure each product and the entire concept will be vapor proof, waterproof, and will manage
within the temperature range of variations, the climate and cleaning exposure climate.
The steam room will only work if all components work as a system. It is important the fitness is verified with manufac-
turers and they should warrant the product’s performance within the system as planned. While manufacturers will not
be able to warrant a steam room system where it includes other products, they can warrant that their product will be
warranted if and when installed in a certain complete design.
f. Workmanship, Knowledge and Skill Level Needed
The installer and planner of steam rooms will have to meticulously verify not only proper design and product choice.
The execution of the work on such installation is equally important and requires maximum attention to detail: Most
importantly, the focus is set on eliminating any possibility of breaches or pin holes which would allow vapor to escape
the room or migrate deeper than planned into any product or layers. This includes that particular attention must be
paid to a vapor proof installation of all protruding equipment including lighting, sprinklers, possible vents, plumbing
and shower fixtures, the steam inlet, the door assembly. These installations need to be sealed in vapor tight where the
seal can connect with the room’s vapor barrier so the vapor barrier forms a continuous layer. Such seals may not be
deferred to topical applications on the tile level such as through sealing in escutcheons. This should be done too, but
the vapor will also be present below the tile and therefore, it must be addressed right there. Accidental damage to
water or vapor proofing must be avoided and checked. The proper installation is also a significant part of a wholesome
steam room concept to work successfully and over time.
* wedi cannot guarantee or warrant specific recommendations made here as they pertain to non wedi product. We
believe the statements made here to be best practices, and we also recommend to follow manufacturers recom-
mendations for product performance, suitability and installation process, and to ask each manufacturer for warranty
coverage applicable to a specific project design.