Product Brochure

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Measure and cut out a space
of the existing 1/2 in. wall
panel in an area of the size of
your wedi niche so that the
niche flanges can rest on the 2
x 4 studs (16 in. o.c.) on both
sides and line up flush with the
surrounding backer board or
drywall panels. Apply a bead
of wedi Joint Sealant onto the
exposed stud, as well as along
the inside edges of the wall
Installation of wedi Prefabricated
Shower Niches
wedi offers prefabricated shower niches in various sizes and designs.
These can be installed out of the box and fitting into standard 16 in.
o.c. framing. It is possible to customize these niches by carefully and
cleanly cutting these niches twice and removing a middle section before
sealing both niche end parts back together. It is also possible to frame
out for custom niches and cover such framed areas with wedi building
panel, safely sealed at all connections and seams. Some of our niche
designs include tileable shelfs (2 in. thick) which can be positioned in-
side the niche as needed.
Insert the wedi Niche into the
opening. Apply a bead of wedi
Joint Sealant along the outside
seam and smooth out with a
putty knife to cover and water-
proof the seam.
Insert the wedi Niche into the
opening. Apply a bead of wedi
Joint Sealant along the outside
seam and smooth out with a
putty knife to cover and water-
proof the seam.
Once the niche is fitted and
sealed into the opening, re-
apply wedi fasteners in a wedi
building panel wall assembly.
Apply wedi joint sealant over
seams and fastener location.
Smooth sealant flat with a
putty knife.
If a wedi Building Panel is used, it is recommended to use 2 wedi washers and fasteners in the transition
seams between the niche and wedi panel to create a 100% flush transition. The washers are then water proofed using wedi Joint Sealant. If the
niches are installed into a non waterproof assembly made from non-wedi building panels please use only the wedi joint sealant to adhere the
niche to the framing by applying a 1/2 inch bead over the length of the framing studs where the niche makes contact.