Product Brochure

Specialty Applications – the wedi building panel as solution
Round and curved walls
Create a series of cuts into the wedi Building Panels 1/2 the thickness of
the panel deep. The distance between cuts depends on the tightness of
the radius needed later. Use a circular saw for these cuts. A wide range
of other shapes are possible using the wedi Building Panel. All you need
is a template shaped to suit your needs. A template may not be needed
for simpler shaping.
Cut the wedi Building Panel using a utility knife and straight edge. This
way wave shape constructions can be produced. For a small radius –
cut out wedges from the building panel or cut the wedi Building Panel
using a hand-held circular saw and bend it into a curve.
A01 B02
Installation of wedi Vapor Barrier in wedi steam room applications
01 0302 04
approximately 30 minutes in between the two coats is required. Each
coat should be 8 mils thick (wet thickness=dry thickness) for a total of
16 mils (wet thickness = dry thickness) for the complete application.
The surface is ready for tiling using an epoxy mortar according to ANSI
118.3 or a cement based , modified thinset mortar according to ANSI
118.4 (must be recommended for extreme wet areas with frequent and
strong temperature changes) only 3 1/2 hours after final application of
the second wedi vapor barrier coat. Tiling must be completed within 5
days maximum after application of the final, second coat has been left
to cure for 3 ½ hours. If tiling must commence later, the surface has to
be roughened for best adhesion using fine sandpaper and cleaning off
the dust later. A new surface coat of the wedi vapor barrier must be
installed as a primer surface up to 8 mil thick. The primer coat must be
allowed to dry for 3 1/2 hours and again can be tiled over within 5 days.
Apply over all wedi inside surfaces in steam rooms prior to tiling. Vapor
Barrier Components A and B are supplied in pre-measured quantities.
Add Comp. B to Comp. A by piercing a hole through the top (rubber
membrane) and the bottom of Component B. Assure that Component
B completely flows out of the container. Always mix a complete kit in
the proportions supplied. Do not alter mixing ratios. Only mix what
you can apply within pot life. Stir mixture for approx. 5 minutes to
a homogenous, streak free consistency, using a slow speed drill (ap-
prox. 300 rpm) with a clean Polished Steel Jiffy blade. Avoid entrap-
ping air. Ensure that the material at the bottom and sides of the pail
is agitated well. After mixing, pour it into a clean metal container and
carefully mix it again for additional 30 seconds. Make sure not to mix
too fast to avoid trapping air. Pour fully mixed product into a metal
painters tray .Apply to the clean wedi substrate, by non-shed roller or
notched squeegee. A thorough 2-Coat Application with a dry time of