Product Brochure

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Specialty Applications – the wedi building panel as solution
Building Custom Seats and Benches Using 1 1/2" or 2" thick wedi Building Panels
wedi offers prefabricated suspended or wall mounted seats and floor
standing seats. Both may also be constructed on site using wedi Buil-
ding Panels. This is an ideal option that will perfectly accommodate your
individual tile and design layout.
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Installation on tub walls
Measure and cut wedi Building Panel to fit the 16 inch o.c. framework
(wood or metal). Notch out all panels if installed around the perimeter
of a flange tub to integrate the flange and achieve a plumb wall with
square and tight corners.
Attach a notched panel to the framework with a 1/2” bead of wedi
Joint Sealant between the notch and flange. Attach the panel to the
framework using wedi Washers and Screws at a rate of 1 every 12 in-
ches along the studs. Leave a gap of 1/8" between tub edge and wedi
panel bottom end to allow for movement of the tub. Alternatively apply
a bead of wedi Joint Sealant in between both materials.
Apply a continuous 1/2" bead of wedi Joint Sealant on the top blue
foam edge of the wedi Building Panel before installing the next panel,
butting tightly into the sealant. Set another wedi Washer and Screw
into the seam to create a flush transition between panels and smooth
over excess sealant. When installing a wedi side panel against the al-
ready fixed wedi back wall, apply a continuous 1/2" bead of wedi Joint
Sealant vertically on the back wall wedi panel where both panels will
meet. Apply compression to the wedi Joint Sealant when moving the
wedi side panel into position before fastening it. Finally and after all
wedi Building Panels are installed a second 1/2” bead of wedi Joint
Sealant is applied over all seams and fastener points and spread flat
using a putty knife.
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