Product Brochure

Did you know?
Great quality installation results depend on not only having great products to use – the Know-How and Experience in
how to use them is key too. wedi trained and certified all Baeumler Quality Construction installers in my team and now
they fully know and appreciate what they can achieve with wedi.
This educational service is offered to all professional contractors of all trades and wedi‘s local Technical Sales Support
Managers come out on site and install with you when you do your first wedi shower installation. Your peace of mind
– at no charge. Just a call away!
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wedi is a proud member of:
Be sure to ask for:Ask your wedi Representative about our
15 and 20 year extended PRO Warranty Program.
wedi Corporation
Telephone: 877-933-WEDI (9334)
Fax: 847-357-9819
Made in
in USA