user manual

Hot Water Can Scald!
Consumer Product Safety Commission and
some states recommend domestic hot water
temperature of 130°F or less.
When installing an automatic mixing valve,
selection and installation must comply with valve
manufacturer’s recommendations and instructions.
Water heated to a temperature suitable for
clothes washing, dish washing and other
sanitizing needs will scald and cause injury.
Children, elderly, infirm or physically
handicapped persons are more likely to be
injured by hot water. Never leave them
unattended in or near a bathtub, shower or
sink. Never allow small children to use a hot
water faucet or draw their own bath. If anyone
using hot water in the building fits this
description, or if state laws or local codes
require certain water temperatures at hot
water faucets, take special precautions:
Install automatic mixing valve set according
to those standards.
Use lowest practical temperature setting.
Check water temperature immediately after
first heating cycle and after any adjustment.
Use with refrigeration systems:
Install boiler so that chilled medium is piped in
parallel with heating boiler. Use appropriate valves
to prevent chilled medium from entering boiler.
Consult I=B=R Installation and Piping Guides.
If boiler is connected to heating coils located in
air handling units where they can be exposed
to refrigerated air, use flow control valves or
other automatic means to prevent gravity
circulation during cooling cycle.
Connect Water Piping CONTINUED
Connect Tankless Heater Piping
Use with Refrigeration System
Exp. Tank
Exp. Tank
1 Isolation Valve
2 Balancing Valve