
WELL mPBX-U110R Administrator's Guide
Use this number to dial into the queue, or transfer callers to this number to put
them into the queue.
·Queue Password
You can require agents to enter a password before they can login to this queue.
This field allowed to be blank empty, it means the agents can login to this queue
without password.
·Queue Agent Timeout
The number of seconds an agent's phone can ring before we consider it a
·Queue Max Wait Time
The maximum number of seconds a caller can wait in a queue before being
pulled out. (0 for unlimited).
·Queue Ring Strategy
This option sets the Ringing Strategy for this Queue. The options are
RingAll: Ring All available Agents simultaneously until one answers.
LeastRecent: Ring the Agent which was least recently called.
FewestCalls: Ring the Agent with the fewest completed calls.
Random: Ring a Random Agent.
RRmemory: Round Robin with Memory, Remembers where it left off in the last
ring pass".
1) Agents
This selection shows all users. Selecting a user here makes them a agent of the
current queue.
2) Caller Position Announcements
·Announce Position
Announce position of caller in the queue
·Announce Hold Time
Enabling this option causes mPBX to announce the hold time to the caller
periodically based on the frequency timer. Either yes or no; hold time will not be
announced if <1 minute.
How often to announce queue position and estimated hold time.
Note: '0 seconds' means disable the announcement
3) Periodic Announcements