Instruction for Use

esicrexe ,gnikooc fo dne eht tA-
caution when opening the
appliance door, letting the hot
air or steam exit gradually
before accessing the
appliance. Do not obstruct the
vent apertures.
evomer ot sevolg nevo esU-
pans and accessories, taking
care not to touch the heating
elbamma ecalp ton oD-
materials in or near the
appliance: a fire may break out
if the appliance is
inadvertently switched on.
evaworcim eht
esu ton oD-
oven for heating anything in
airtight sealed containers.
The pressure increases and
may cause damage when
opening or may explode.
evaworcim eht esu ton oD-
oven for drying textiles, paper,
spices, herbs, wood, flowers,
fruit or other combustible
materials. Fire could result.
ecnailppa eht evael ton oD-
unattended, especially when
using paper, plastic or other
combustible materials in the
cooking process. Paper can
char or burn and some plastics
can melt if used when heating
- Use containers suitable for use
in a microwave oven only.
gnitaehrevO- the liquid beyond
boiling point can occur
without evidence of bubbling.
This could result in a sudden
boil over of the hot liquid.
- Do not use microwave oven
for deep-frying, because the
oil temperature cannot be
ro doof ybab g
nitaeh retfA-
liquids in a baby bottle or in a
baby food jar, always stir and
check the temperature before
serving. Ensure the lid and the
teat is removed before
- If alcoholic beverages are
used when cooking foods
(e.g. rum, cognac, wine),
remember that alcohol
evaporates at high
temperatures. As a result,
there is a risk that vapors
released by the alcohol may
catch fire upon coming into
contact with the electrical
heating element.
hctac staf dna slio detaehrevO-
fire easily. Always remain
vigilant when cooking foods
rich in fat, oil or alcohol
(e.g. rum, cognac, wine).
nevo evaworcim esu ton oD-
for cooking or reheating
whole eggs with or without
shell since they may explode
even after microwave heating
has ended.