Recipe Manual

Address: 3320 E Birch Street Brea CA 92821 USA
Tel: 866-WHYNTER Fax: 866-611-7507 WebSite: E-mail:
Chicken Soup and Dill Sorbet
This is just the thing to start a dinner on a hot summers eve.
1 quart rich homemade chicken stock
2 tablespoons tightly packed, finely chopped fresh dill
2 to 4 tablespoons fresh lemon juice
Salt and freshly ground pepper to taste
Please all the ingredients into the bowl of the machine and freeze.
Gazpacho Sorbet
2 ½ cups chilled Gazpacho (see Gazpacho recipe)
2 tablespoons fresh lemon juice
1 teaspoon salt
1 cup water
1 cup tomato juice
¼ teaspoon Tabasco
4 grindings fresh black pepper
Mix all the ingredients together, adjusting the seasonings to taste. Strain the
mixture and reserve the vegetable chunks. Pour the liquid into the bowl of the
machine and after freezing 10 minutes, stir in the reserved vegetable and freeze
until firm.
½ medium Bermuda or other sweet white onion, peeled and quartered
1 ½ firm, medium cucumbers, peeled and cut into chunks
2 small green peppers, seeded and cut into eights
6 medium to large ripe tomatoes, peeled and cut into eights
5 large garlic cloves
1 cup tomato juice, approximately
½ cup light olive oil
¾ teaspoon chili powder or 1 small piece fresh chili pepper
1 tablespoon salt