Use and Care Manual

Do not let your hammock remain wet for consecutive days, over time, as this may weaken the
hammock and reduce the longevity one might expect from their hammock.
Although Vivere Ltd. offers a 12 month warranty, one can normally expect their hammock to
last significantly longer.
Machine Washing
Since these types of hammocks have a spreader bar that is non-removable, use of a washing
machine is not an option.
Before putting your hammock into storage, make sure it is completely dry and clean.
Fold the hammock in half, by bringing together the 2 o-rings. Proceed to roll the hammock up
into a tube. Place the hammock into a weather resistant fabric bag that can breathe.
The other option is to hang your hammock from a hook in your garage that is located in a dry
and low traffic area. This will help keep the hammock from being soiled. It is also important to
protect your hammock from various critters that might think your hammock material is food or
an ideal nesting site.
If you see any mold or mildew appear on your hammock, wash with a mild detergent. Use your
own judgement whether a spot clean is required or a full wash.