
Guarantee period:
There is a 5 year guarantee period that begins on the date of purchase by the rst end consumer.
In case of complaints, please contact the seller or
after two years the manufacturer directly
presenting the product and the sales receipt.
Information on promise of guarantee, Article 477 BGB (German Civil Code):
Completely independent from this manufacturer guarantee and irrespective of whether or not
the prescribed guarantee is claimed against in the case of a guarantee, statutory warranty rights
against the seller exist without restrictions. Hence, at his own choice, buyer’s rights that are
regulated by law can be asserted against the seller alongside or also without asserting the claims
under guarantee, on account of faults in the sale item, in particular supplementary performance,
withdrawal, abatement of the purchase price or compensation for damages; (see Article 437
BGB (German Civil Code) and the corresponding, special limitation regulations in Article 438 BGB
(German Civil Code)).
The guarantee is valid without prejudice to compulsory statutory regulations, e.g. according to
the Product Liability Act, in cases of wilful intent and gross negligence, on account of injury to life,
body or health by WOFI or its vicarious agents.
WOFI LEUCHTEN Wortmann & Filz GmbH, Im Langel 6, 59872 Meschede-Freienohl