Techniques and Recipes

Multigrain Sandwich Bread
This recipe is our test kitchen’s go-to for sandwich bread. Fairly simple to
prepare, it is a delicious alternative to store-bought loaves. The honey adds a
slight sweetness to the loaf without overpowering the nuttiness of the grains.
2½ cups boiling water
1¼ cups 8-grain
hot cereal
¼ cup honey
4 tablespoons unsalted
butter, melted and cooled
1. In the bowl of a stand mixer with
dough hook attachment, combine
boiling water and cereal. Let cool to
100°F, stirring occasionally, about
1 hour. 2. Once cooled, add honey,
melted butter, and yeast to cereal
mixture. Stir on low speed to combine.
Meanwhile, in large bowl, whisk flours
to combine. 3. On medium-low speed,
add flour mixture, ½ cup at a time,
to the bowl just until dough forms,
about 1½–2 minutes. 4. Cover bowl
with plastic wrap; let dough rest 20
minutes. 5. Uncover and add salt;
knead on medium-low speed for
10 minutes, adding just enough of
remaining flour mixture until dough
pulls away from sides of bowl. 6. Cover
bowl with plastic wrap and let dough
rise 60–75 minutes, or until dough
has doubled in size. 7. Punch down
dough. Divide in half. 8. On a lightly
floured surface, press one half into
a 9-by-6-inch rectangle. Starting at
one of the short ends, roll dough into
2¼ teaspoons (1 packet) instant yeast
3 cups all-purpose flour
1½ cups whole wheat flour
1 tablespoon salt
 cup old-fashioned rolled oats
a log, tucking dough under itself
as you roll, creating a taut surface
along log. Pinch seam to seal. Repeat
with other dough half. 9. Lightly
spray loaves with cooking spray.
Sprinkle oats on clean work surface;
roll loaves in oats to coat. Transfer
each loaf to prepared loaf pans,
seam side down. Cover pans loosely
with lightly greased plastic wrap.
Let rise 45–60 minutes until nearly
doubled. 10. Meanwhile, heat oven
to 375°F Bake Mode with a rack set
at position “3.” 11. Bake loaves 35–40
minutes until deep golden brown
and baked through; an instant-read
thermometer inserted in the center
the loaf should read 200°F. 12. Cool
in pans for 5 minutes. Transfer to
wire rack to cool completely before
slicing. 13. Store fully cooled loaves
tightly in plastic wrap up to three
days at room temperature; if freezing,
cover with plastic wrap and foil.
Freeze up to 2 months.