Techniques and Recipes

The short rest after mixing is called an autolyze.
This process aids proper gluten formation and
development, creating a more consistent crumb
in the finished loaf.
Dutch Oven Bread
This method is perhaps the most foolproof way of creating an artisan loaf with that to-die-for crackly,
sheened crust. The Dutch oven minimizes the baking cavity, trapping moisture and steaming the loaf,
similar to a professional steam oven.
Autolyze and Mix
1. Combine all ingredients in a large round bowl. Mix by hand until incorporated. Cover bowl with a towel and
let rest 2030 minutes. 2. Mixing by hand, reach underneath dough and fold it over itself, repeating as you work
around the bowl. Continue until the dough comes together, three to four folds. Let rest for about a minute,
then repeat another fold; dough should feel tight. 3. Cover bowl with a towel and let rise.
Bulk Fermentation and Fold
1. During bulk fermentation, or fi rst rise, the dough requires at least two folds. Perform the folds during the fi rst
1–2 hours of rise. To fold, start by gently loosening dough from the bowl with a moistened spatula or hand.
Without tearing, fold dough in half. Rotate bowl a quarter turn and repeat the same fold. Rotate and repeat
again. Finally, rotate one last quarter turn, gently pull dough up and over itself, creating a pillow-like dough
package. 2. Cover bowl with a towel and let rise after each fold. After the dough triples in size, about 5 hours
after mixing, it is time to divide and bake. 3. Gently tip dough onto fl oured work surface. Cut dough in half with
a bench scraper.
Shape and Proof
1. Dust two proofi ng baskets (or two metal bowls lined with kitchen towels) with fl our. 2. Shape dough; using
the same method above, fold dough over itself, working in quarter turns around the dough until it forms a
medium-tight ball. Place dough in basket, seam side down. 3. Cover with towel and let proof. Proofi ng can
take 1–2 hours, depending on the temperature of the kitchen. To determine readiness, use the fi nger dent test;
lightly push in the dough with index fi nger. If the dough springs back slowly, it is ready to bake.
1. While the dough proofs, preheat oven to 475°F Convection Mode with a rack at position “2.” 2. Preheat Dutch
oven with lid for at least 45 minutes. Carefully remove dough from proofi ng basket and place seam side up in
preheated Dutch oven. 3. Bake for 30 minutes with lid on, then remove lid for the last 15 minutes. Carefully
observe the crust during last 10 minutes of baking as to avoid overbrowning. 4. Once fully baked, remove
bread from Dutch oven immediately. The loaf should tip out easily. Cool on wire rack for 15–20 minutes before
slicing. 5. Place the Dutch oven back into the oven for 15 minutes and allow to preheat. Repeat the baking
process with the remaining dough.
Digital kitchen scale
Bench scraper
Proofi ng basket or banneton, optional
1000 grams (about 7 cups) all-purpose fl our
720 grams (about 3 cups) water at 90–95°F
1 tablespoon and 1 teaspoon fi ne sea salt
1½ teaspoons instant dried yeast
MODES Convection