User's Manual

7.2 Connecting the DashCam Wi-Fi to your Computer or
Smart Device using Wi-Fi
1. Turn on the Wi-Fi mode on DashCam Wi-Fi.
2. Go to network settings on your computer or Smart Device to enable the Wi-Fi setting. Search for the
“DashCam Wi-Fi” network.
3. Enter password “123456789 to connect to the DashCam Wi-Fi.
7.3 Using the Free App
1. Search for iON DashCam app via the Google Play Store or App Store.
2. Download and install the app to your smart device.
3. Connect the DashCam Wi-Fi to your Smart Device by following the steps in section 7.2.
4. Open your iON DashCam app. You may conduct relevant operations in accordance with specific
Application interface.