Instruction Manual

Read-out of stored data
After initialization, a list of all available recordings is displayed.
Every recording is shown with a selection check box, a sequence number, start date and time, as well
as memory used as a percent of total memory.
The recordings to be read can be selected by checking off the box next to the recording number.
Various modules can be selected for the display or further processing of the data. The list "Modules to
be execute (in this order)" is built by clicking ">>" and "<<" and reset with "Clear All". The same
module can be invoked multiple times (see illustration).
After selecting the recordings to be read out and modules to be executed, the read-out procedure is
initiated by clicking Read Record(s).
For each recording read out, a file is created with a filename based on the following pattern:
"(Device ID+date+time+Index).idc"
The files are saved in the directory "CommonData" created during installation. This is located in the
destination directory (Default:"C:\program files\KELLER Druckmesstechnikā€) specified at installation.
Thereafter, all selected modules in the list are executed one after another. Depending on the module,
the user may asked to provide additional details (see module description)
Setting a mark
If a recording that was not yet stopped is read out, (only possible for recording No. 1) the following
dialog window appears:
If a mark is set, a new recording starts. This means that at the next read-out of the active recording
(only No. 1) only data recorded after the mark was set is included in the read-out.
Operating Manual for Logger DCX 4.0 KELLER AG Page 20