Online Orchards 3 ft. Pink Shower Weeping Cherry Tree with Long Flowing Flowering Limbs




Pink Shower Weeping Cherry is a unique cherry blossom cultivar known by several other names including Pendulum and Pendula Plena Rosea, its worldwide adoration is well-deserved on account of its gracefully weeping branches, which allow for a considerably compact form and also for the stunning bright pink blossoms which cascade down the limbs in early spring, the bright pink blossoms bloom double, meaning 2 flowers appear for every bud on the tree, this cherry blossom tree is ideal for landscapes desiring multi-seasonal beauty, as the leaves turn bright yellow in autumn and the weeping limbs draw much interest in the summertime, the Pink Shower Weeping Cherry is of the worlds favorite ornamental trees, beautifully complementing any landscape.


1Use and Care ManualEN22023-07-31