Online Orchards Dwarf Blenheim Apricot Tree (Bare-Root, 3 ft. to 4 ft Tall, 2-Years Old)




Blenheim are considered the richest, best flavored apricots for fresh eating and cooking by top chefs all over the world. They're known for having the perfect balance of sugar, tartness, and acidity, which combine for a classic and savory apricot flavor. The Blenheim tree is quite versatile because it blossoms later than other apricots, allowing for a wider growing range. Another noteworthy characteristic is that the Blenheim tree is self-pollinating. This and its versatile growing range make Blenheim an excellent choice for home orchards across the country. At 1 point in history, Blenheim apricots were almost entirely grown in the courtyards of European royalty. This was the apricot of choice among the wealthiest individuals in that time. The Blenheim tree was imported, where its fame and demand spread like wildfire. Unfortunately, production of this former #1 apricot has almost entirely come to a halt due to cheaper, lesser quality fruit being imported to take its place. Blenheim apricots are arguably th...


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