Primare I15




The compact Primare I15 integrated amp will bring clear, wide-open sound to small and medium-sized rooms. In designing their audio components, Primare prioritizes sound quality, of course, but they also pay attention to the way each component looks and how the controls feel. Primare equipment exudes the hallmarks of Scandinavian design — everything in balance, proportion, and harmony. Primare describes the I15 as an "all analog" integrated amplifier. That just means it doesn't include a built-in DAC for digital music sources, the way Primare's I15 Prisma does. The I15's rear panel provides five sets of stereo RCA inputs for your music sources, plus RCA outputs for connecting an additional amplifier, if needed. If you want to connect a turntable, take a look at this amp's cousin, the I15 MM — it includes a phono stage for connecting a turntable with a moving magnet cartridge. The I15's efficient, cool-running amplifier uses Hypex all analog Class D power modules to deliver 60 watts per channel into 8 ohms, ...


1Owner's ManualDA,EN162022-08-23