Renkforce Renkforce FS5022J 2D barcode scanner Corded 2D Imager Silver, Black Desktop USB




2D barcodes are omnipresent: You are in the electronic vouchers, customer cards or even on stock. If the new 2D barcodes with the existing 1D scanner cannot be registered, it comes in a shop or warehouse significant delays and angry customers. With the Renkforce barcode scanner you can easily, quickly and flexibly all 2D and 1D Barcodes scanning. Optimum flexibility With this scanner provide a wide range of 1D and 2D barcodes is no longer a problem there. Thanks to a professional scan engine, the scanner detects even the most difficult codes reliably such as poorly printed. Thanks to auto-sensing, the scan process by automatic detection of a code. With an optimum mounting is so up to a maximum distance of 200 mm no user intervention. Suitable for everyone Through the simple Plug & Play connection is the Barcode Scanner is also optimally suitable for absolute beginners. A time-intensive driver installation is not necessary - this saves time and nerves. Fast work With a scanning speed of 60 frames per second...

