TFA Dostmann Quartz Wall clock 220 mm x 44 mm x 220 mm Stainless steel




In coastal regions, the tide and the ebb determine the rhythm of life. Especially people with an affinity to the sea such as fishermen, sailors, surfers, swimmers or watt hikers are guided by the tide. This decorative tide clock provides information about the local tide status and the remaining hours to the low tide or high tide. With its modern design in fresh blue tones, the high-quality stainless steel frame and glass cover, the Tidenclock is also a great accessory for maritime lifestyle. On most coasts there is a change between high and low water every 6 hours. The tidal rhythm is mainly related to the gravitational forces of the moon. Unlike a sunny day, the day of the moon lasts approx. 24 hours and 50 minutes. The earth therefore needs an additional 50 minutes to "catch up" the moon. This watch is designed in such a way that its hands round the clock face every 12 hours and 25 minutes (twice per day of the moon). A tide takes so long, i.e. the time between two phases of high and low water. The table...

