Settings may only be changed by a qualified engineer
Carefully read the instructions before changes are made.
Batteries should be placed in a dry and well-ventilated area during charging.
5.1 Standard settings: ready for use
On delivery, the MultiPlus is set to standard factory values. In general, these settings are
suitable for single-unit operation.
Warning: Possibly, the standard battery charging voltage is not suitable for your
batteries. Refer to the manufacturer's documentation, or to your battery supplier.
Standard MultiPlus factory settings
Inverter frequency 50 Hz
Input frequency range 45 - 65 Hz
Input voltage range 180 - 265 VAC
Inverter voltage 230 VAC
Stand-alone / parallel / 3-phase stand-alone
Search mode off
Ground relay on
Charger on/ off on
Battery charge curve four-stage adaptive with BatterySafe mode
Charge current 75% of the maximum charge current
Battery type Victron Gel Deep Discharge (also suitable for Victron AGM
Deep Discharge)
Automatic equalisation charging off
Absorption voltage 14.4 / 28.8v
Absorption time up to 8 hours (depending on bulk time)
Float voltage 13.8 / 27.6V
Storage voltage 13.2 / 26.4V (not adjustable)
Repeated absorption time 1 hour
Absorption repeat interval 7 days
Bulk protection on
AC input current limit 16A (= adjustable current limit for PowerControl and
PowerAssist functions)
UPS feature on
Dynamic current limiter off
WeakAC off
BoostFactor 2
Multi-functional relay alarm function
PowerAssist on