Quick Start Guide

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9 KIT Bank
The KIT Bank contains 90 freely editable preset KITs plus 10 empty memory slots.
The first 40 KITs are a selection of various kits taken from the 2box sound library.
Amongst them are several Signature KITs recorded by the following artists:
Randy Black, Simon Phillips, Mike Müller, and Marco Minneman.
Another 50 KITs were custom-programmed to match various songs/artist. These
KITs are created by 2box and reflect our taste and ideas. Feel free to edit them to fit
your own style. These KITs contain typical sounds/loops/effects that you would
associate with particular songs. This might be a finger snap on the rim of Tom 3, an
808 handclap on Tom 4 or a set of timbales on Tom 3 and 4 – but of course always
play the full drum set and enjoy these KITs in total. The name of the KIT gives you
an idea which song/artist we had in mind when creating the preset. Play these KITs
to the songs in question and have fun!
Also worth to mention: All sounds were recorded by or for 2box in various studios
around the world. There is no spec list for each and every sound in the 2box library,
but the names usually give you a hint which instrument they represent.
However, there is one snare sound in the library that needs special attention: the 3
zone snare ZD BB Dow Dry RSC which Zourman.com has authorized us to use.
There is a lot to read about this particular snare at:
Check it out!
Finally there are 10 empty memory slots for own creations. If there’s a factory KIT
which you like, and you want to edit it but still keep the original, then just copy this
particular KIT to one of these empty slots and tweak it.