User's Manual

Basic Know-How
Feel free to change the folder structure so as to organize the files in a way that works for you. Given the
DrumIt Three module’s display size, we recommend using short folder names and working with a limited
number of folder levels.
Don’t forget to back up regularly!
Connect your DrumIt Three module to a computer and save your files with a back-up program
or by simply copying via drag and drop.
3.5 User-KIT-Bank and Single-KIT-file
The user-KIT-bank (drumit.dkit)) contains 100 KITs (program memory locations), which are already filled
with a variety of factory preset KIT setups. All 100 KITs can be changed freely by you and then stored if
necessary. Please note that for this the SAVE mode has to be enabled (see page 59).
Multiple user KIT banks
It is even possible to have multiple user KIT banks. Just copy the drumit.dkit file to your module
and rename the file according to your ideas. Now there are 2 user-KIT-banks with 100 editable
user KITs each available! To switch between the user-KIT-banks, you have to select the
respective bank when starting the module. To do this, hold down the KIT button when the unit
is powered up. In the menu that now appears, you can choose between the various user KIT
banks (PREV and NEXT) and then open the desired KIT bank (OPEN).
Switching the KIT bank
By pressing the MORE and the KIT button for 2 seconds you will enter a menu where you are
able to switch to another KIT Bank. At next power up, DrumIt Three will start with the last
chosen KIT Bank.