User's Manual

UNIT Button
This button takes you to the "UNIT" mode and the corresponding pages. In the UNIT menu, you make
settings of parameters that affect the entire DrumIt Three system and apply globally to all KITs (e.g. mixer,
trigger, MIDI and general pad settings).
KIT Button
Pressing this button, you enter the "KIT" mode with the corresponding pages and change the respective
KIT settings. When switching on the module, the KIT-mode is already.
DATA Button
These three buttons are used to stepwise change the parameters that are displayed in the upper two rows
of the display below. Examples: saving of settings, undo / redo steps, start / stop commands for the
metronome respectively the media player).
This knob can be used to set the value of the parameter that is currently selected. To select a different
parameter in the bottom row, simply press the knob. The flashing entry refers to the parameter that is
currently selected. Hold MORE and press the knob to toggle between alternative parameters indicated by
an arrow
LEVEL Control
This control adjusts the overall volume of the module. By default, this affects both the headphone output
and the main outputs OUT1 and OUT2; but in the menu the latter can be uncoupled from the LEVEL
control, so that your output always has a fixed level (see page 55 UNIT OUT).
PAGE Button
Use these buttons to move through the respective menus (UNIT or KIT).