User's Manual

Saving Your Settings
DECAY This value determines how long the underlying sample of the sound will be played back.
With the setting ∞ (infinity), the whole sample will be played back.
Gated Sound
With the parameters HOLD and DECAY you can create "gated sounds" (e.g. gated snare). To
do this, set the HOLD value to the desired time length and a short DECAY time value.
The DrumIt Three can play back loops in various playing modes. Loops can be assigned to
any drum channel just like a regular 2BOX sound and thus started and stopped via the pads
(see details on page 30).
You can also create your own loops. With the DrumIt Three editor, standard WAV files (e.g.
from loop libraries) can be converted to the 2BOX file format (.dsnd). The editor is available on
our website as a free download.
When creating your own loops, pay attention to the correct (bar-) length of the wave file.
Otherwise, the loop will not play correctly.
The tempo of loops can be edited using TUNE on the page DRUM in the KIT menu. Please
note that this also changes the pitch.
The TRIG button can also be used for previewing loops. However, only one second of the loop
is played. If you want to hear the entire loop, you have to hold the button for half a second. To
stop the loop, hold the button half a second once again.
With the key combination MORE + STOP (DATA button in the middle) you stop all running
loops at once.