User's Manual

GAIN With GAIN, you can increase the level of the trigger signal. This feature is important if
you use acoustic triggers or pads from other manufacturers, which may have
comparatively lower trigger output. In addition, you can customize the triggering behavior
to your personal playing style.
Set GAIN so that exactly all LED-meter segments are lit when you hit the hardest (see
above). You have an adjustment range from +1 to +24 dB. With a GAIN value higher +12
dB the THRES value is automatically set to -36 to avoid double triggers.
The drum channels CYMB1-3 have an additional GAIN parameter for the bell signal.
First, set the GAIN value (number) for the zone “bow” so that the hardest stroke triggers
no bell sound. Then you can press the DATA knob while holding the MORE button to
adjust the GAIN value for the zone “cup”.
You can switch between L ((low - minimum GAIN increase), M (medium increase) and
H (high increase).
THRES With the threshold value you determine how strong the lightest stroke has to be for
triggering an impulse. Useful you when you need pad to be less sensitive for stray
triggers. You have a control range from 48 to 18dB.
Low Threshold
The lower you set this value, the higher is the risk of double-trigger impulses and crosstalk.
CURVE With CURVE you can set the relationship between velocity and signal volume. Nine
different curves are available. Depending on the sound or application situation, different
settings can make sense.
Take advantage of this feature also to adjust the trigger behavior to your playing.