User's Manual

12 Update
Thanks to the Open Sound System of 2BOX the module can be updated easily and comfortably using
drag and drop.
This way you can keep your DrumIt Three always up to date and benefit from the operating system
updates, new features and technical enhancements.
1. Download the current operating system from our website ( The file format
of the operating system is a .bin file (see picture).
2. Start the module in USB mode (see page 9).
3. Copy the new .bin file to the module with drag & drop.
4. Restart the module. The module shows the new operating system number during the boot process
at the bottom right (you can also get this information in the mode UNIT on the Page INFO).
5. Done!
You don’t need to delete the old operating system file. The module will automatically recognize the newer
version. In the example below, the system recognizes the file DrumIt120.bin (OS 1.20) as the latest version
and ignores the file DrumIt110.bin (OS 1.10).