User's Manual

Basic Know-How
3.2 Menu structure
The DrumIt Three module is characterized by a simple and intuitive menu structure. There are two general
operating modes:
UNIT: In the mode UNIT, you make general settings for your module.
KIT: in the mode KIT you will find all pages that you need to edit a KIT. A “KIT” is a set, factory made or
edited resp. programmed by you, that contains all drum channel, sound, effect, tempo and song
settings and is stored on one of the 100 program memory locations.
Each mode has a number of pages, on which the various functions are grouped thematically. There are
pages that contain global settings and others that allow separate settings for each drum channel. The latter
are indicated by * in the chapter heading and the table of contents.
Scroll through the respective menu with PAGE ▲ or PAGE ▼ to select the desired page.