User manual, 1510 v1.13 Owner's manual

user name, date, time, identification and/or called number. These symbols are
replaced with real values before sending. Refer to the table below:
$User$ Called user name
$DateTime$ Current date and time
$DialNumber$ Called number
$HeliosId$ 2N
Helios IP identifier
Miscellaneous subsection.
Microphone Settings
Set the microphone sensitivity.
AGC (Automatic Gain Control)
Set whether the Automatic Gain Control function should be used.
Noise reduction
Set the mode for noise reduction arising primarily during echo cancellation.
This menu is used to set the video camera. To set the codec properties use the
Advanced Settings > Video codecs menu, see the Video Codecs subsection.
Set the intensity of the video camera stream.
Colour saturation
Set the colour saturation of the video camera stream.
Flip horizontally
Set whether the picture is to be flipped horizontally.
Frame rate decreasing
Enable an automatic decreasing of the frame rate under poor light conditions,
which improves the video quality to the detriment of the frame rate.
Flicker avoidance
Here you can eliminate flicker caused by artificial sources of light such as fluorescent
lamps. The flicker frequency depends on the light source power supply frequency.